Feminization of the Man's World
Out of my 18 years of life, I have never really experienced any extreme sexism, other than the occasional catcall or "mansplain". But that isn't the case for other people in the United States and other places around the world. When I traveled to Guatemala I learned a lot about the sexism and violence that women deal with everyday. UN Women puts into perspective what they go through. "Women in Guatemala represent 51.2% of the total 15.8 million, estimated in 2014"..."Only 2% of municipalities are run by women; more than 4,000 girls 10-14 years of age give birth every year, and 759 women died by violence in 2013," (UNWomen). This connects to the article we read in class about Seoul, South Korea and the extreme sexism and violence that women face everyday. One of the women interviewed for the article said "we don't have guns, but its more dangerous in the home. The notion that Korea is safe only applies to the streets." The article then goes...